Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve!

Hello, Its almost time......for Christmas and Solly to come home.

I think my family is more excitied about Solly coming home. Solly is a great Christmas present for my mother. She and him have such a strong bond, with each other.

Oswego's getting a excitied about, our excitiment, he doesn't know whats really going on. Hejust loves eating the wrapped christmas gifts and ribbons

Yesterday night Oswego took a bath, so he can smell nice for the Christmas eve service tonight at church and for Christmas morning.

We have been busy making gingerbread cookies, and Oswego has been helping. a bit too much
We have also been doing the Barnes and Noble gift wrapping.

Oswego, went on a tacky light tour. Oswego was great! He didn't care about the lighting and sounds of everything

Oswego seems not to care much about stuff except food and his toys

Lets hope Oswego has been good, Santas going to bring some stuff for him

Merry Christmas. and a Happy New Year!

Oswego II and Peg

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